My grade has the populist blog in the school. YAYAYAYAYYA! My grade has now got 40,000 hits on our class blog. You can see it at Over night my teacher woke up to this number of hits and I hope she was as much as excitement in her as I had. If we do get 100,000 I will literally faint like my friend Rennae. Wait until our hits get higher and higher that they might reach the moon!!! 😉

Our Global Classroom

Congratulations everyone you’ve done it 40,000 hits. Now the journey to 50,000 begins. My goal for the end of 2013 will be 100,000 hits, the way we are traveling we’ll smash that by the end of the year.
From Mrs Joyce

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Oh My Gosh my grade blog is so popular!!!!

My grade blog is up to 39,998 hits. WE ARE SO POPULAR! As a class we are aiming for 40,000 hits. It is going to be so exciting. EVERYONE START BLOGGING ON OUR BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our Global Classroom

Australia and Taiwan are providing all the blog hits.

5/6J what can we do to get all our global friends back on the blog?Things have been very quiet. It would be great to get to 40,000 before the Easter Holidays.




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”Why Fit In Wh…

”Why Fit In When You Were Born To Stand Out”?

Yes, I know. This is a Dr. Suess quote and he is getting quite old. But, do you think that he and his quotes are inspirational to you? Let me see your thoughts and feelings all about it. Do you think that this quote is inspirational? Can you find the true meaning behind this outstanding quote? Do you think he wanted to use persuasion with this quote?

P.S: I will post up a picture with 30 of Dr. Suess quotes that is on my class blog, 5/6J. The link: 

One Direction Make A charity Video!!!

Did you ever think that One Direction the popularest band could make a charity?? I didnt. But they did. Have a look and see. But I want you to look closer. NOT JUST HUMMING ALONG TO THE SONG THAT THEY ARE SINGING THAT WAS ORIGINALLY MADE BY BLONDIE! NO. Think about the way that they set up the video and the reasons why they are doing it. The Reputation??? A helping hand??? Please tell me your thoughts! Thanks, Heidie.